Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dear John, (A Humorous Essay)

Dear John Fletcher,

I am writing an open blog post to you today because I have come to a realization that I think should be shared amongst the people.

First, let me say how sorry I am that you are feeling sick.  I know how important it is to feel your best before giving a paper. I hope you get well soon.

Second, after 28 days of blogging every single day (or in my case almost every single day) I have come to a realization. It is time for us to break up (after 3 days of course).  I know that my realization is not necessarily the most sophisticated one but hear me out.

You have been great.  It's not you, its me. Really. I just don't have anything to say after 28 days of saying things.  I find that my daily blog post haunts my being.  I sit in front of my computer desperately hoping for inspiration to strike and nothing comes. I wake up in cold sweats at 4 am because I remembered that I had forgotten to write a blog for that day.

Like I said this is not a problem with you are your assignment. This is a problem with me.

It is hard for me to admit this but I am just not that interesting. My life consists of waking up, eating, going to school, coming home, basic biological functions, and sleeping.  I ask you, what about that process is blog post worthy?

Maybe if I was actively pursuing a research agenda, I would have something intelligent to say but considering that I blew my research wad almost  twenty days ago, I got nothing.

My life is a boring, uninspired, series of events punctuated by blog posts where I rant and rail about how hard life is or how depressed I am about something, something, PhD. something.

It is for this reason that we have to break up.  Now, I am not giving up on all men  blogging. I am just deciding to scale it back a bit. Maybe if I no longer am forced to produce content, I will produce better content. It's a whole quality over quantity situation.  Be a little less slutty when it comes to my blogging.

I also understand if you think I might be a little out of line. I know that you have to do twice the work because you are blogging for multiple classes. I also realize that I was a big supporter of keeping a daily blog.  I stand by my decision as it has taught me a lot about my limits as a human being and a blogger.  I like blogging. It is fun and thrilling to see the number of pageviews creep up to 1000. However, I also feel responsible for posting good, quality content for those pageviews.  I need to earn the page views with interesting anecdotes not unfortunate rants.

John, you have helped me become a better woman blogger and for that I have to thank you but I just really feel that you are asking too much from me at this stage in our relationship.  I think I am just not enough woman blogger for you.

I hope we can still be friends.



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