Sunday, October 14, 2012

Show and Tell Saturday & Mommy Bonus

I will start off my post with my contribution to Show and Tell Saturday.

The following videos are from a group of men and women called the Harvard Sailing Team. They have no association with Harvard or the sailing team. They are just a comedy troupe.

The titles make them pretty self explanatory.  Go ahead and watch. I will wait.

Boys Will Be Girls

Girls Will Be Boys.

I have to admit that the first time I watched them, I laughed my butt off.  I totally understand that the jokes and the actors are playing into gender stereotypes but sometimes those stereotypes are funny. My question is not are they funny but is one funnier than the other?  Is there a difference in watching boys being girls and girls being boys? Is it funny because we read the men as gay and women as lesbians? Would it still be funny if the girls acted and dressed more "feminine" and the men acted and dressed more "masculine"? Would changing the order in which you watched them change their level of hilarity?  Are we bad people for being tickled by this?  
Answer me!  


The second section of this post is about my mom. Sorta.

My mom and step biker dad came in town for the weekend today and they could not be here at a better time. I am so excited to have them here and its not just because they are going to buy me a new microwave.  (My current microwave turns on randomly. It is freaky.)

After we ate dinner at Sammy's. (yum). We came back to my apartment and just hung out, watched t.v. and relaxed.  My mom brought some grading with her hoping to work on it while here and instead I volunteered to grade her papers. Normally she would use a scantron but scantrons are now costing the school 5 cents per scantron. In bulk! Highway Robbery I tell you!  But I really didn't mind hand grading the papers. You see, I kind of enjoy grading papers. I always have. Since I was in junior high I have helped my mom grade her multiple choice tests and quizzes.  Grading my mom's papers was one of the first things that made me want to be a teacher.  I don't know why but I love marking on people's papers with red ink and drawing smiley faces in the zeros of a 100.  Go on and say it. I am a weirdo.  But at least I am a weirdo in a productive, mother helping way.

Tomorrow we are going to go do lots of fun things including buy me a birthday present!  Yay for parents!  

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